Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Sweet sixteen , tease twenty, sexy thirty, what happens when a woman crosses forty. The men run for the hills. Everytime I look at myself in the mirror I see a sexy, sensuous woman, and so I am told by both genders, sorry I don’t know any from the third gender for extra validation. Yet as soon as I mention 40, they suddenly see cobwebs down south, crowsfeet which are actually perched only on trees and fat which is in my butter dish. Somebody explain the fear and paralysis men suffer from. I can be as sweet as a sixteen year old, I sure can tease with the straw and more, and teach the twenty year olds more than a thing or two. I just finished with the bad side of thirty. That apart I am bloody sexier.  So why was it when I looked into the mirror this morning, it was not with joy. It was with impending doom, like the executioner had read the verdict. I had turned forty one. I had crossed over to a side where one is supposed to only exist. Forty one does not show on my face, you say the number and the horror shows on their faces.

Honestly flirty at thirty, naughty at forty is all a lie where men are concerned. Please let me burst that bubble. All the naughty forties are falling asleep in between the act, and the thirty year olds are only flirting with nappies, careers and danger, hence the long queues outside the divorce courts.
I ve realized men in their forties get a lot smarter, guess after having lost the last shirt  off their back in their thirties to the scorned wife. All that’s left is brains which lies where the blood rushes to and after forty it stops rushing south, that’s when they start thinking and refuse to commit. Now they play chess with women that actually do matter. Stupid men , don’t play mental chess with an older attractive(yes looks are relative) woman who’s been through the grill, as she too is commitment phobic. Leave the games for the younger lot.  
What’s with my generation, yes the 30’s and 40’s, can’t speak for the 50’s, I don’t know the games they play.

Yea, Yea Yea I may sound like a frustrated woman, sorry but I am the chick your husbands and men lust after but would not contemplate marriage. You know why?. Women like us dress in the right pins, we may sometimes forego the lingerie, adds to the excitement but it takes balls to marry women like us. Yes I have met two such men, one I married and lost, the other I am with

Is there ever a perfect relationship. I doubt it. Everytime I think Ive got it right, either I screw it up or he’s intellectally or financially broke. Men, honestly that’s what women want, a smart bank. The amount the bank has to dispense is relative, we are suckers for kindness, gentleness ,a rose, so we are willing to give up the Gucci and trips abroad as long as you don’t  do a 180 degree turn with every sexy arse that passes by or lust after our friends.And please not the beefcakes spewing and spouting movie lines. Yaaawwn,
get smart. On the other hand we want no Stephen Hawking intelligence either and a relative bank does not mean the relatives bank.

I realizd the sexual power I wielded at a very early age,maybe cos I looked into the mirror a bit too much and it did’nt crack, or maybe I looked into other men’s eyes a bit too much. The combination of the two taught me to use my charms to get out of sticky situations. Not that I really got into any, but being a Gemini and the gift of the gab came naturally to me.

Cigarettes and alcohol were taboo when we were becoming sexually progressive which is so regressive by today’s standards.  We enticed the boys with a shy a la sharmila tagore smile,  you were lucky if you had dimples, or the coquettish Audrey Hepburn look and the long lustful gaze was reserved for the bold.

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