Saturday, July 24, 2010

70% Cocoa

I am considered dusky and sensuous but not beautiful, as “beautiful” is somehow reserved for fair women. Please correct me. I am sure the guilty men will argue this and say "what rubbish!" Intelligent conversation, wine, lustful gazes and they want to take you home and you think they will pop the proverbial question. The next morning a massive headache and what stares out at you from the newspaper is Katrina Kaif looking boringly pretty and the object of your desire is staring googley eyed at her and going squint and that’s when it hits you that’s what or whom he wants to take home to mummy so his lineage is not diluted into a chocolate shake.

OMG, Yes God was doling out intelligence, sex appeal and looks to us women, he suddenly realized all he had remaining was white colour so he bestowed that on the remaining lot. The men are not complaining.

I have had conversations with intelligent men saying their ideal woman is Katrina Kaif or a few other fair dumb women, you can take a guess why, definitely not their intelligence. When you tell them that they sound hollow, they quickly come back with their ideal also being Nandita Das, can I fall over and laugh, with them trying to rescue themselves. Spare us colored women, we have enough men who appreciate us.

Am I getting defensive, no am getting aggressive as we have to prove ourselves ten times more. We dusky women should be slotted with the blacks, yellows, OBCs, dalits. There should be a reservation for us too. Men think they are doing us a favor when they make statements like, Oh but I am not with the fair woman as she is not intelligent enough for me. Wow you just made me feel wanted. So if both were equally intelligent, no prizes for guessing who would win the man’s heart.

Thanks but no thanks, we want no stupid men who do not wish to add color to their lives.