She saw him at a party. Looking all suave and dandily dressed. There were undercurrents. They inched closer to each other in the room, the others exited from their conversation. The tension was so electric that she decided to call it a night. He called a few days later. They spoke for days and then decided to meet. The silence was initially awkward, but her flirtation and the light banter led to a kiss which led to a yearning so strong that he wanted to devour her there but better sense prevailed, Hers.
This ran into a few days until they sealed it with a night of passion. By then he had her believe she was the woman. The whispers of love made her a little girl again. Just as he came into her life, he disappeared.
Where did the love go? She thought he couldn’t live a day without her. She thought the sound of her voice made him come running home. She thought she was his every waking thought. These were all her thoughts and none shared mutually by him. So where did the love go? Was there love to begin with?
Often asked questions after the first flush has died. What do those pheromones and oxytocins get eclipsed by. Are there other chemicals lurking close on their heels, waiting to take over.
I believe the first flush is lust and once the dust has settled, or rather when the penis has flagged, the man comes to his senses quicker than the woman. He makes a quick exit for the door leaving the woman clutching her aching heart and sheet to cover her modesty, thinking the world has ended. After many a sob evening over soulful music drenched with heartbreak lyrics, she rises like a phoenix and vows never to take his calls again.
It’s roughly six to eight weeks or maybe months, the phone rings, its his voice at the other end. (May I pause here and double up with laughter). She has vowed, but hey promises are meant to be broken. She becomes putty in his hands again. Stupid woman! Can she not see the writing on the wall? RUN. Isn't this what she has read in every chick magazine. I fail to understand my sisters.
The cycle starts again. Oh, it does not end with every exit of his. It continues, as she has no soul left by now. She returns only because it’s become a challenge now more than love.
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