Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Fitting In

“You think you own whatever land you land on, the earth is just a dead thing you can claim, you think the only people who are people, are people who look and think like you, but if you walk the footsteps of a stranger you will learn things you never knew, you never knew”. Very powerful lines sung by Vanessa Williams for Pocahontas. How true.

We band together with our kind. What is our kind. The ones who think and dress like us. The inner circle. The circle within the circle. How does one enter it. It’s a fortress. People stand on the outside and look in. Hoping to get a glimpse and be a part of the circle.

Do we think its our god given right to dismiss those who are not clued into life’s social mores. The whats and hows of dress, speech, walk, talk. How have we designated ourselves judge and jury. The Blue Blooded dismiss the
Nouveau Riche. The Nouveau dismiss the Middle Class, the Middle dismiss the Lower and they..... It stops there. As the poor do not feature in the sphere of living. Where did this blue blooded expression come from. Is their blood blue, or is it because all the kings and queens lived in colder countries so they turned blue during winter. Hence blue blooded.

I have been guilty of dismissing many a simpleton, because I have been crowned by the superficial world that I belong to. Yet during my brief sojourns out, I yearn to blend in with the simple folk. Understand their pain, what could possibly make them happy when they have so little. I have always sat on the periphery, afraid to enter. What fear urges me to step away, is it shame that my world will find out and look upon me too as a pariah and fear of rejection. I don’t think so, I know I am made of sterner stuff to withstand criticism. Always created my own rules.

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