Saturday, October 17, 2015

Deaf But Not Mute

Have you noticed how people do not listen to you or do they not hear you? Let me explain. Hypothetically, you talk about how your child does not toe the curfew line of 8:30pm and how you've set the slate right with a chat about the perils with grounding. You were affirming about having handled the situation well from problem to solution.

Now when you've introduced this subject as part of your conversation or tete a tete, it was not you whining, complaining, not a question, not a conversation starter, but there you have the wisest Magu or Rafiki (though I love and respect Rafiki) of the lot tell you (and I hear condescension) how to handle the situation with.... "If that doesn't happen, your child will get raped, molested or will become a drug addict or will become a waster and not succeed in life...."

All things you had already advised your child about (How to raise a family, how to succeed in life monetarily, how to socialise, how to be married happily ever after) - Noooo! but they the sermonisers hold the tablets and have written the commandment. And yes you must balance all these with a simple mind, simple measures.

You start talking to the Magus or self-appointed wise ones, you think you have them in rapt attention while your talking as they are looking at you - or are they looking through you? What gives them away is when they repeat everything you've just said as the solution to what they think is you announcing a problem.

Hey! that's exactly what I just said; so did they not hear me? All you are doing is stating, but you will promptly be given the SOP manual on how to handle the friend or gardener or maid or spouse and pretty much everything else.

Why do people not pause and listen? Like when you tell your spouse "Oh! I ate that cake at Rita's, now my jeans don't fit!" Promptly a head appears with a voice following "Who told you to eat that cake...!" I know I didn't need to eat that cake but it was staring at me, I just need a silent, patient hearing.

Oh well I've been guilty of this with the kids; all their banter and mishaps - which have been gracefully handled by them - is followed with sermons and stoic expression..

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